Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Adopt A Dog

Humanity and kindness go hand in hand. All the animal lovers have a special place in their hearts for their furry companions and love to provide for them, care for them and love them. Adopting a homeless dog is not just an act of kindness but finding an unwavering devotion, loyalty and companionship forever. Though, it may take time and patience, your rewards come inn the way these animals wait for you anxiously at home, without questioning your lifestyle and run to hug you and are contented to be petted. The pet and owner bonding is one of the most beautiful relations in the world. It is interesting to see how the two specials, naturally abhorrent to each other, live in harmony in a loving home and even become the best playmates ever. Such relationships include the friendships between cats and dogs.

Adopting a dog means choosing the correct type of dog for you as the fist step. You will have to decide whether you want a dog that is large or small according to the space available to you. You may want an active companion that loves to go hiking or a gentle one that is contented to sit in your lap and be petted regularly. There are dogs with long fur that look cute or the smooth-coated ones that shed very little. Guardian dogs need to be stronger and more intelligent while toy dogs need to be cute and gentle and easily sociable. Hundreds of breeds of dogs are available for adoption but you should be careful to choose the one that suits your personality type. Here are some things to keep in mind, before you adopt a dog:

  • Consider the size of your dog according to the size of your house. Flats, unit houses and farmhouses may all be suitable for different breeds.
  • Urban and suburban areas are more suitable for particular breeds while rural and semi-rural areas are preferable for others.
  • While choosing a dog, keep in mind that you have a yard at home or not.
  • Is the dog contented to be chained or stay within the property limits or is a natural wanderer.
  • The daily exercise that the dog breed needs on a regular basis.
  • The time you can spend with your dog and its need of companionship.
  • People with oldies, invalid people or kids at home must choose a dog that will not be a problem for them later.
  • The age group and the fitness level of the dog owner and the main dog sitter.
  • Energy level of the dog that you find comfortable.
  • The toy or small dogs such as Pekingese, medium dogs such as Cocker Spaniel and large dogs such as German Shepherd Giant and St. Bernard have all their exclusive uses.
  • The price of the dog and its daily maintenance cost.
  • Preferable length of coat of the dog. Smooth coated ones such as Basset Hound, dogs with short coat such as German Shepherd, medium coated ones such as Cocker Spaniel or long-coated ones such as Maltese, all have different looks and are suitable for different weather conditions. Long coated dogs in warmer regions need to be kept cool constantly by air-conditioning, while smooth-coated ones in cold countries will need warming up, thus, increasing their maintenance cost.
  • Grooming the dog requires.
  • The purpose for adopting the dog. Some dogs are so sociable that they are contented to keep quiet when strangers come into the house, while some breeds are merely threatening with barking but rarely bite. Some other breeds are quite dangerous and can attack any stranger savagely.
  • The number of dogs and cats that you already own, for this will determine how social and adjustable a dog you might need.
  • The training level, fitness level, age and health of the dog.

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