Friday, July 2, 2010

Tips on Keeping Dog’s Teeth Clean

Are you worried about your dog’s dental health? Here are a few tips to keep their teeth and gums looking great.

Try to come up with a routine for brushing its’ teeth. There are toothbrushes and brushes that go on your finger like a finger puppet. You can also purchase a baby toothbrush to use on puppies. Be careful using human toothpaste as it may ingest more than recommended. Dog toothpaste is also available and can make the tooth brushing process easier with their chicken and beef flavors.

If you can’t stick to a great brushing schedule, there are dental treats available like DentaStix, Busy Bone and Dental Fresh, which dogs love. These treats help remove plaque and stimulate the gums. There are various brands, sizes and favors, so it’s easy to find a brand that works well.

If it appears it needs a dental cleaning, you can take it to the vet. I recommend trying to keep up with a schedule that enables you not to do so. Dental cleanings can be very expensive and a lot of times they put the pet under to perform the cleaning, which is sometimes dangerous for puppies.

A friend of mine has come up with a routine that she stands behind. In order to make sure she keeps its teeth healthy, every time she gives him a bath she makes sure to brush his teeth. This ensures that his teeth are cleaned at least once every two weeks. She follows up his day of cleaning with a DentaStix. Between bath days, she brushes his teeth whenever it pops into her head or gives him a DentaStix. If she does see any tartar build up, she removes it with a tooth cleaning utensil.

If you are worried about the dental health, check to see if there is any tartar along their gum line or any loose teeth. Excessively bad breath is also an indication of poor dental health. Keeping your dog’s teeth healthy can be easy and inexpensive if you stay proactive.

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